10 Tips for Sleeping Your Best Beauty Sleep

10 Tips for Sleeping Your Best Beauty Sleep

We would love to wake up with the perfect-looking skin! Well, it is possible and you don’t need to pile up more skincare products on your counters! Let’s focus on the most basic, yet one of the most important elements that goes into the health of your skin – Sleep. Here is a complete routine from morning to evening including layering of skincare and sleep hacks for sleeping your best beauty sleep every day!

Is Beauty Sleep Real?

The term ‘Beauty Sleep‘ has been used for ages – from the fables of sleeping beauty to common day-to-day language when referring to sleep that is restful and rejuvenating for the body and for its beauty. But does it really work?

Several research studies and sleep experiments have backed the fact that sleep is a very important element in determining how you look and how healthy you are. Here are some of the preventive and curative benefits of good quality sleep:

  1. Anti-aging benefits – The natural process of cell regeneration and collagen production is directly related to the quality of sleep.
  2. Brighter eyes – Sleep deprivation can show up as puffiness around the eyes. These are usually the first signs of less-than-ideal sleep that show up in your appearance.
  3. Healthier hair – Sleeping fewer than 7-9 hrs. a day can cause hair fall and dryness.
  4. Products work better – While in the day your skin and hair are busy in defense against environmental damage, nighttime is when it is concentrating on rejuvenating and restoring. Aiding this natural process with good products goes a long way in achieving the best results.

Apart from the direct benefits above, there are several benefits on overall health that indirectly impact your appearance. As per Dr. Andrew Huberman, neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, best known for his podcasts on the science of sleep, “sleep is the best nootropic, best stress reliever, and trauma release, best immune booster, emotional stabilizer amongst other benefits.”

Complete routine for sleeping the best beauty sleep

Here is a simple routine you can follow to improve your sleep quality and sleep the best beauty sleep every day.

Note: Here we have assumed a sleeping time of 10 PM, you can adjust it based on your daily sleep time. However, sleeping after 11 PM is not advisable as it does not give all the benefits we have talked about here.

At 2 PM (T-8 hrs.)

Caffeine – Stop your last caffeine consumption at least 8 hrs. before sleep time. While caffeine is great to avoid the afternoon crash, consuming it in the late afternoon or evening can interfere with a good night’s rest.

At 6-8 PM (T-4 hrs.)

Meals: Eat your last meal 2-4 hours before sleep time, 2 hrs. in case of a vegan or vegetarian meal, and 4 hrs. in case of others. Also, avoid eating a heavy meal and alcohol. This helps to increase the metabolism and helps in better absorption of nutrients. An empty stomach keeps your body temperature ideal for a good night’s rest.

At 8 PM (T-2 hrs.)

Blue Light: Avoid screen time after 8 PM or at least 2 hrs. before sleep time. The blue light emanating from the screens of mobiles or laptops stimulates your mind and makes it difficult for you to go to sleep and stay asleep.

Even though it is ideal to avoid exposure to blue light completely a couple of hours before, it may not be always possible, especially for people in certain professions. If that is the case with you, try using “blue light blockers” – These are basically glasses with red filters that minimize the impact of blue light. You can wear them while using screens, especially in the evening hours.

blue light blockers
Blue Light Blockers

Between 9 – 10 PM (T-1 hrs.)

Nighttime skincare routine

  1. Remove all traces of makeup and cleanse your face.
  2. Apply a good facial toner, followed by a serum that is effective for your skin.
  3. Apply an overnight moisturizer or mask.
  4. Use a facial roller or Gua Sha to gently massage your face and better absorb the products.

Sort out your mind

  1. If you have something that has been going on in your mind, sit down with it and sort it out. Plan steps and tasks with a solution mindset. And, remember not everything is today’s problem so you will have time to think about them later. Avoid procrastination and trying to find immediate gratification!
  2. Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga nidra before going to bed. You can find many guided meditation/yoga nidra videos as per the duration you prefer on Youtube.
  3. You can combine relaxation techniques with burning a relaxing essential oil.

Sleep Basics

  1. Adjust your room temperature to be comfortable but slightly cooler. Feeling hot is the most common reason why people wake up in the middle of the night.
  2. Make up your bed with a comfortable mattress, pillow, and blanket.
  3. Make sure your room is dark, with just enough artificial light as required to move around safely if required in the night. Skip artificial light if your room has a good amount of moonlight.

When you wake up

It may be surprising, but how you spend your time when you wake up has a great deal of effect on the quality of sleep you get. A tiny drop of Cortisol chemical is what wakes you up, and starts what is called the ‘Circadian clock‘. Your body is naturally, aligned to work productively for 9-12 hrs. and slowly wind down after. To make your natural awareness and alignment with the body’s Circadian clock, there are some simple steps you can take.

absorb natural light
Absorb natural light when you wake up
  1. After you wake up, go outdoors and absorb the natural light. This sends a strong signal to your body that it is time to be productive and the Circadian clock starts.
  2. Combining #1 with physical exercise for 30-45 mins. is ideal, but if you can’t exercise in the morning another good time is around dusk.
  3. Maintain a sleep routine and wake up at the same time, you will notice that you automatically start feeling sleepy at around the same time once you start following the above-mentioned points. The duration of sleep may slightly vary for each individual and season, but in general, 7-9 hrs. of sleep is required!

Bonus Tips

  • If you wake up in the middle of the night, which is by the way normal to do 1-2 times in the night, but cant go back to sleep – try yoga Nidra or what Dr Huberman calls NSDR.
  • Intermittent fasting for 12-16 hrs. is mostly associated with weight loss but is extremely helpful in a good night’s rest and achieving your best beauty sleep.
  • Avoid taking naps during the day, especially in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Adding a comfortable satin pillowcase to your bed is a great idea to avoid skin irritation and hair fizziness.
  • Keep a sleep journal to keep a record of how you are tracking your sleep goals.


When it comes to sleep, quality is much more important than quantity. Follow these tips to improve your sleep quality and get ready for sleeping your best beauty sleep every day!

Keep Living It Up…Always!