5 Super Spices: Benefits and How to Add Them to Your Diet

5 Super Spices: Benefits and How to Add Them to Your Diet

Spices have been used in traditional cuisines and traditional medicine in many parts of the world. They not only improve the taste and aroma of our food, but some of these have many health benefits too. We take a look at 5 super spices, that have research-backed benefits, and some ways to add them to your diet.

1. Turmeric Curcumin

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family and is native to Southeast Asia, primarily grown in India. Apart from the yellow tinge it imparts to curries, it has been used historically in Indian medical systems like Ayurveda. The yellow color and healing properties of turmeric are mainly attributed to its active ingredient curcumin.


Benefits of turmeric curcumin

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-oxidant properties: Turmeric and its active compound curcumin have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. While inflammation levels in the body increase to fight against infections, chronically high levels of inflammation are associated with various heart diseases and even cancer.

Curcumin is also known for its antioxidant properties. They are believed to protect the body from free radicals by neutralizing them and protecting the body against oxidative stress. Because of these properties, turmeric curcumin is considered one of the super spices

Some of the preventive and curative health benefits of turmeric curcumin are:

  1. Anti-cancer potential: Studies suggest that curcumin, found in turmeric, possesses anticancer properties and may help prevent or inhibit the growth of certain types of cancer cells (1).
  2. Arthritis relief: Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties have been found to be beneficial for people with arthritis, potentially reducing pain and improving symptoms. (2)
  3. Digestive health support: Turmeric has been used traditionally to aid digestion, and studies suggest that it may have beneficial effects on digestive disorders. (3) It also has the potential for weight management by influencing metabolism and reducing inflammation.
  4. Heart health promotion: Turmeric supports heart health through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions, which may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. (4)
  5. Brain health enhancement: Curcumin has shown promise in promoting brain health by crossing the blood-brain barrier and exhibiting neuroprotective effects. It has been found to be effective against Alzheimer’s disease (5)
  6. Potential for diabetes management: Research suggests that curcumin may help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, potentially benefiting individuals with diabetes.
  7. Skin health improvement: Turmeric has been investigated for its potential to improve various skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is believed to be an anti-aging compound. (6) Check out some amazing DIY skincare masks with turmeric here.

How to add turmeric to your diet?

  • Turmeric Tea: Prepare a soothing cup of turmeric tea by combining water, ground turmeric, black pepper, and ginger. Boil the mixture for five minutes and enjoy sipping it throughout the day
  • Golden Milk: Make a comforting glass of golden milk by adding turmeric to warm milk.
  • Turmeric in Salads: Sprinkle a pinch of turmeric on your salads to add a flavorful and healthy twist
  • Turmeric in Steamed / Sautéed Vegetables: Add turmeric to steamed or sautéed vegetables.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a popular spice known for its warm sweet flavor, that lends itself well to both savory and sweet recipes. However, in several studies, it has been found to be beneficial for many health conditions too.


Benefits of cinnamon

Powerful medicinal properties: Cinnamon is one of the super spices, as it contains compounds that possess medicinal properties, such as cinnamaldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It also contains essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium that help in preventing various chronic diseases.

Some of the preventive and curative health benefits of cinnamon are:

  1. Diabetes prevention and management – Cinnamon has been found to be effective in managing blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity. (7)
  2. Protection against bacterial and fungal infections – Cinnamon has been found to inhibit the growth of certain fungi and bacteria, making it useful as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. (8) Research also suggests that cinnamon may have protective effects against colds and flu. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties have also been found to improve oral health and fight bad breath.
  3. Potential Cardiovascular Benefits: Cinnamon has been linked to reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol levels, and helping regulate blood pressure. Cinnamon has essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and magnesium helps manage heart rate. In addition, cinnamon was found to reduce triglycerides as well as LDL (bad cholesterol). (9) All of these are key to maintaining cardiovascular health.

How to add cinnamon to your diet?

  • Coffee: Sprinkle cinnamon into your coffee grounds or add a pinch of cinnamon powder to your brewed coffee for a warm and aromatic flavor.
  • Oatmeal: Stir in a teaspoon of cinnamon powder or sprinkle cinnamon on top of your oatmeal for added warmth and sweetness.
  • Smoothies: Blend cinnamon with fruits, yogurt, and other ingredients to give your smoothies a delicious and spicy twist
  • Fruit salads and yogurt: Add cinnamon to fruit salads and yogurts to give them a tasty and healthy boost.

3. Ginger

The next one on the list of super spices is Ginger. It contains gingerol, a compound with potent medicinal properties that have been used for centuries for various health issues.


Benefits of ginger

Anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant properties Ginger possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body. It is also rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body against oxidative stress and damage.

Some of the preventive and curative health benefits of ginger are:

  1. Nausea Relief: Ginger is known for its ability to alleviate nausea, including morning sickness during pregnancy, motion sickness, and general stomach troubles. (10)
  2. Digestive Aid & weight loss: Ginger improves digestive receptivity, helps with digestion, and may relieve indigestion and stomach discomfort.
    It may also help with weight management. (11) (12)
  3. Blood Sugar Control: Preliminary research suggests that ginger may help lower blood sugar levels. (12)
  4. Cholesterol Management: Some studies indicate that ginger may help lower LDL(bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL
    (good cholesterol) (12)
  5. Cold and Flu Relief: Ginger’s warming properties may provide relief from symptoms of colds and flu. Warm ginger tea is especially soothing for a sore throat. In addition, ginger has an anti-microbial effect which is effective against some bacteria and viruses, particularly related to throat infections and flu. (13)
  6. Menstrual pain relief: Ginger can alleviate menstrual pain and has been found to be more effective than coffee and some drugs in doing so.

How to add ginger to your diet?

  • Ginger Tea: Prepare a simple ginger tea by simmering chopped ginger in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Enjoy it hot or chilled.
  • Smoothies: Add freshly grated ginger to your smoothies for a zesty kick and additional health benefits.
  • Salad Dressings: Mix grated ginger with olive oil, vinegar, and other ingredients to create a tangy and refreshing salad dressing.
  • Infused Water: Add sliced ginger to a pitcher of water and let it infuse for a refreshing and lightly flavored drink.
  • Ginger Supplements: If incorporating ginger into your diet is challenging, you can consider ginger supplements available in capsule or powder form.

4. Cumin

Cumin seeds are another one of the super spices. They come from a plant native to the eastern Mediterranean and have been cultivated for thousands of years, for their distinct flavor and health benefits.

Benefits of cumin

Anti-inflammatory properties: Cumin is rich in anti-inflammatory components and may help in the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Some of the preventive and curative health benefits of cumin are:

  1. Weight Management: Cumin has been associated with weight loss and improved metabolic health. It may help reduce body fat, lower cholesterol levels, and improve lipid profile. (14)
  2. Immune System Support: Cumin is rich in antioxidants and may help strengthen the immune system by protecting against oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. (14)
  3. Respiratory Health: Cumin has been used in traditional medicine to alleviate respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. Its anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce airway inflammation. (14)
  4. Rich source of iron: One teaspoon of iron contains about 18% of RDA in adults. (15) In addition it also helps in the absorption of iron from other food sources.
  5. Digestive Health: Cumin has traditionally been used to aid digestion. It stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, promotes better nutrient absorption, and may help relieve digestive discomfort.
  6. Cognitive Function: Preliminary research suggests that cumin may have cognitive-enhancing effects. It may help improve memory and reduce age-related cognitive decline. (14)

How to add cumin to your diet?

  • Bread and baked goods: Incorporate cumin into bread dough or sprinkle it on top of breadsticks, crackers, or savory pastries before baking.
  • Infused oils: Infuse olive oil or any other cooking oil with cumin seeds. Heat the oil and add cumin seeds, allowing them to release their flavor into the oil. This oil can be used for cooking or as a dressing for salads.
  • Yogurt and dips: Mix ground cumin into yogurt or sour cream for a flavorful dip. Add other super spices and herbs like garlic, lemon juice, and salt for additional taste.

5. Saffron

Saffron, known as “red gold,” is a highly prized and aromatic spice derived from the flower Crocus sativus. It is widely used in culinary traditions around the world, particularly in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and South Asian cuisines. With a rich history dating back thousands of years, saffron has been revered for its vibrant color, distinctive flavor, and various health benefits. These make it one of the super spices!


Benefits of saffron

It may be an expensive spice, but the good news is that a little saffron goes a long way when it comes to health benefits. Now that is truly what makes it a worthy candidate amongst super spices.

Some of the preventive and curative health benefits of saffron are:

  1. Alleviation of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms: Saffron has been reported to reduce the negative symptoms associated with PMS, such as abdominal pain and acne. (15)
  2. Mood Enhancement: Saffron extract may support mental health by potentially increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which may help alleviate symptoms of depression. (16)
  3. Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory: Like other super spices, Saffron contains antioxidants that help protect cells against oxidative stress and free radicals as well as anti-inflammatory properties, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases. (16)
  4. Eye Health: Saffron may have benefits for eye health due to its antioxidant properties, potentially protecting against age-related macular degeneration and improving vision. (16)
  5. Improved Memory and Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that saffron may have positive effects on memory and cognitive function, potentially benefiting individuals with age-related cognitive decline. (17)

How to add saffron to your diet?

  • Tea and Beverages: Make saffron-infused tea by steeping a few threads in hot water and sweetening it with honey or sugar. You can also add saffron to warm milk or hot chocolate for a delightful beverage.
  • Rice and Grains: Add saffron to rice dishes like paella, risotto, or pilaf. Simply soak a few saffron threads in warm water or broth and mix it into the rice during cooking.
  • Infuse in Liquid: Steep saffron threads in a warm liquid such as water, milk, or broth for 15-20 minutes to release its flavor and color. This saffron-infused liquid can be used in various recipes, both savory and sweet.


Enjoy the enhanced taste of your food with these super spices while experiencing the wonders they do for your health!

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