The 10 Most Powerful Crystals: All you need to Know

most powerful crystals

Crystal healing experts swear by the power of these natural stones in helping you achieve your goals and healing emotions. While there is a lack of scientific evidence on the powers of crystals, many users believe they noticed a marked difference after using the crystals of their choice. Before we move forward, it is important to note that all the information in this article has been compiled by talking to crystal experts and the experience of crystal users.

“In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being”

Nikola Tesla

If crystals interest you or you have seen them work for others, read on to find all the information you need to have about the 10 most powerful crystals.

What are crystals?

Crystals are natural formations in which the atomic elements are arranged in a highly ordered structure. Many ancient cultures of the world like Greek, Chinese, Egyptian, and Indian seem to have a common belief in the power of crystals in increasing the flow of positive energy and curbing the negative energy and emotions.

The 10 most powerful crystals

most powerful crystals for love

1. Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is one of the most powerful crystals for love and relationships. It is said to open up the heart for giving and receiving love. It promotes self-love, helps heal emotional pain, enhances looks, and promotes a youthful appearance.

For people in creative fields, it is believed to improve their aesthetic sense and creativity.

Overall it helps make one feel contented and open-hearted in all relationships. After all, what are we without our connections to other humans?

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is considered to be an ‘all-in-one stone by many as it works at multiple levels. It is believed to help open the doors to good fortune and health.

The cooling effects of the stone helps in relieving stress and anxiety. On a mental level, it aids in making you confident, decisive, and feel empowered. It is great for meditation as well.

It is said to bring overall balance and harmony to life. Plus we can’t get over the beauty of it!

most powerful crystals
powerful crystals for emotional healing

3. Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian is said to be extremely potent in helping you let go of the negative emotions and pain which has been holding you back. It helps you stay positive even in difficult times.

Apart from healing past pains, it is also believed to be a protector stone that can shield you from future emotional pains and insecurities.

Black Obsidian assists in healing many physical ailments too especially body aches, wounds, and sprains.

4. Turquoise

Turquoise is a popular crystal known to attract financial gains and stability. Also known as the ‘money maker’ stone, it is said to help attract good fortune in career and business endeavors.

It’s also very beneficial in gaining knowledge, learning new skills, and applying them for fruitful gains.

It is especially beneficial for people involved in the field of communication.

powerful crystals for money
powerful crystals for money

5. Citrine

Just like its bright yellow color Citrine is known to brighten up every area of your life. It equips you with confidence to an extent that no criticism or negativity affects you. It is like a friend that helps you get through tough times with ease.

It is also said to generate an abundance of opportunities and attract overall good fortune and health.

Although many crystals are believed to improve focus, citrine is found to be especially beneficial in the same.

6. Crystal quartz

Crystal quartz, also known as clear quartz is a master healer and is said to be the king of the world of crystals. No wonder it is the rock of choice of most crystal healers in the world.

It is believed to attract good luck in all areas of life – career & business, relationships, health, and knowledge.

Filled with positive energy, it makes you fearless and ready to take on life. It also enjoys a very special place in Feng Shui and is highly regarded in the practice.

powerful healing crystal
powerful crystals for money

7. Malachite

Malachite stone is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. It is known to remove deficiencies, particularly in areas of wealth and relationships.

It is believed to have physical healing properties and using it can help in ailments ranging from common flu to cardiac problems. In ancient cultures expecting mothers were made to wear Malachite for the boon of health for the mother and the baby.

8. Amazonite

Yet another beautiful blue stone, amazonite brings calm and harmony to your life. It doesn’t just resemble in color the vast beautiful ocean, but also in its calming properties.

It seems to be very helpful in relieving stress and anxiety and balances your energies.

It promotes good heart, lung health and helps you improve the quality of sleep.

powerful crystals for stress

9. Moonstone

Moonstone helps to promote personal growth and inner strength. It declutters the mind and gives clarity of thought.

It helps develops focus and improves the stability of the mind.

Just like the moon, it has calming and soothing effects on your body and hence is great for helping with insomnia and deep feelings of anger, depression, and trauma.

10. Jasper

The beautiful red Jasper crystals help in lifting up energy levels and eliminate lethargy. Red is truly the color of passion and energy which is the area of expertise of the red Jasper.

It empowers you to take on the most difficult challenges and helps you navigate them.

Overall it is one of the most powerful crystals to lift your spirit up and protect you like a guardian angel.

powerful crystals for energy

How to add crystals to your life?

Crystals are available in different forms. You may choose any form to add these most powerful crystals to your life.

  1. Raw crystals– These are clusters of crystals just as they come out of the earth. These can simply be placed in your home or workplace in close proximity to you. They are available in different sizes, weights, and color saturation.
  2. Pendants and Bracelets – Pendants and bracelets made of crystal stones are an easy and fun way to add crystals to your life.
  3. Crystal Angels – Molded into the shapes of beautiful guardian angels, these make a great home décor in addition to the already stated benefits.
  4. Crystal towers – These pencil-shaped towers are also a great way to enhance the aesthetics in addition to the good energies.

How to get the most out of your crystal?

By now, we are sure you have picked your crystal :), but if not just walk into a crystal shop that houses the most powerful crystals. The best way to choose your crystal is to pick the one that you connect to and that attracts you the most.

After you have chosen your crystal, here is what you can do next to get the most out of it

  1. Cleanse your crystals – The idea here is to free your crystal of the negative energies it might have absorbed while it was making its way to you. There are several ways to do this, some of the most common ones are listed below.
    • Wash your crystal under running water for 1-2 minutes
    • Dip your crystal in salt water for 5-10 minutes. Ensure you don’t add too much salt as it may damage some crystals.
    • Burn sage leaves and let the smoke pass over your crystal.
    • Leave it in a place where it can absorb natural light for 12 hrs. The best would be to leave it from dusk to dawn so it absorbs both the moon’s and sun’s energy. Beware of direct exposure to sunlight for long hours, as it may damage or cause color fading for some of them.
  2. Set your intention – Hold the crystal between your palms and speak to it like a friend whose help you seek to achieve your goals. Share your goals and ask for help in the most natural way you would talk to someone close to you.
  3. Placement – If you got a raw crystal, place it in a place where you spend most of your time, in close proximity to you. For example, place it on your work desk or near your bed. If you have it embedded in a pendant or a bracelet or a ring, simply wear it at all times. The crystals mentioned above do not clash with each other, so mixing and matching for aesthetic appeal is not an issue!

Here are some other ways to bring positivity to your home that can be combined with crystals.


Like all other things that work beyond the limits of our perception, crystals are for believers. If you are on the edge, there is no harm in trying it for yourself! Here is a quick summary of broad areas of life and the most powerful crystals that help in these areas.

Area of LifeSuitable crystals for benefits
Health & WellbeingCrystal Quartz, Black Obsidian, Jasper, Amazonite, Amethyst
Love & RelationshipsRose Quartz, Moonstone
Money & CareerTurquoise, Citrine, Malachite
Spirituality & General good fortuneAmethyst, Crystal Quartz

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