7-minute Yoga for face skin tightening, double chin, and neck.

7-minute Yoga for face skin tightening, double chin, and neck.

Ever wondered why yoga for face skin tightening, double chin , neck skin tightening, and overall face sculpting is becoming an increasingly popular trend? Popularly known as ‘Face Yoga’ is a non-invasive and natural way to give your face and neck a sculpted look.

Why is Face Yoga effective?

Face yoga or facial exercises, just like their counterpart for the body work on muscle toning and strengthening. They also work on the Epidermis and Dermis layer of your skin and increase blood circulation, which is why they are also great for giving your skin that much-desired glow.

With age, stress, and even because of facial expressions facial skin tends to lose its strength and tends to give in to gravity. Face yoga exercises help by counteracting this effect.

So let’s get into our 7-minute daily routine that consists of targeted facial exercises for skin tightening, double chin, neck, and jawline A.K.A ‘The Complete package’

Yoga for face skin tightening (Cheek and Jowls):

#1: Balloon Pose or Pufferfish

  • Fill your mouth with air and seal it with 2 fingers on your lips, so no air escapes. Your face looks like a balloon now.
  • Hold for 30-40 seconds

#2 Act Surprised!

  • Sit straight and relax
  • Make an ‘O’ shape with your mouth and widen your eyes, (just like the surprised emoji in your phone ? – you got that right !)
  • Hold for 30-40 seconds. You can also hold for 15 seconds and repeat three times.
  • For the more advanced version, try to shift the air from left to right
yoga for skin tightening

Yoga for double chin, jawline, and neck

#3: Love is in the air

  • Lean your head backward.
  • Think of your cute pet or your little one or just anyone who makes you filled with love.
  • And then, just blow them 100 kisses. Yes, it is that simple!

By the way, this one works great for double chin and neck too.

yoga for double chin

#4: Tongue wagging

  • Yes, you heard that right, for this one just need to look straight and wag your tongue from left to right.
  • Keep doing this for 60 seconds
  • Remember to not pull your upper lip down while doing this, just keep it natural.
  • At the end of 60 seconds, you may feel a bit dry in the mouth. (that in addition to the stretch in your chin and neck of course). Take some sips of water.This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.
  • Increase the pace of movement for an advanced version.

#5: Tongue in and out

  • This is a variation of #4 which is slightly more intense and works on a different set of muscles in the chin and neck.
  • Instead of moving left to right, this time move the tongue in and out
  • Do this for 30-40 seconds. You may increase the pace when you think you are ready
yoga for double chin

The Finisher

#6: All in One

  • Place the outer edge of your palm along each side of your face, from your jawline to the sides of the forehead Your palm should be facing towards the back and the ears should be behind your hand. This will give you just the right stretch
  • Now close your eyes.
  • Pout, pulling all features of your face towards the front and center.
  • Hold the stretch for 40 seconds

This is a great ‘all in one’ exercise for all your face and helps stretch the features in the reverse direction of natural expressions, which stretches them away from the center.

face yoga exercises

#7: Face Tapping

End your routine by applying your favorite moisturizer or essential oil on your face and neck and gently tapping with your fingertips. (Read more about essential oils) Start from the forehead and work your downward through the cheek, nose, chin, and neck. Repeat 2-3 times for 20 seconds each.


Give yourself 7 minutes every day for this amazing yoga for face skin tightening, double chin, and neck. Start today! You can also combine this routine with a face massage using a Gua Sha tool and your favorite pick of essential oil. Do consult a dermatologist or your doctor if you have active acne, psoriasis, or any other skin condition or have a recent surgery or injury.

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