How to break the Weight Loss Plateau?- 10 Strategies that actually work!

How to break the Weight Loss Plateau?- 10 Strategies that actually work!

Weight loss is a journey in the true sense of the word and no journey is complete without a break! A weight loss plateau is a break that no one desires, but it happens to almost everybody who is chasing a weight loss goal. It is easy to get quick weight loss in the beginning, but it tends to stall after a while. It can be a frustrating phase in which no rewards seem to be coming, despite how much effort you are putting in. So how to break the weight loss plateau? Is it even possible to?

Weight loss plateau can be overcome by some simple strategies that re-adjust your path to weight loss. Let’s look at some of the reasons why the weight loss plateau occurs and talk in-depth about the strategies to beat it!

Reasons for a Weight Loss Plateau

  • As you lose weight, your body metabolism may slow down and make further weight loss challenging. To add to this, you may be losing a combination of fat and muscle which also affects the metabolic rate. This is one of the primary reasons for hitting a weight loss plateau.
  • During the initial stages of weight loss, rapid drops in weight can be attributed to the depletion of glycogen stores and water weight, which may level off over time causing the weight loss to stagnate.

Let’s dive straight into how to break the weight loss plateau.

How to Break the Weight Loss Plateau?

1. Adjust the calorie intake

Without a calorie deficit, there can be no weight loss, simple! Reassess your calorie intake to ensure you are still in a calorie deficit. As you lose weight your body needs less and less calories. Be mindful of portion sizes and consider tracking your food intake to ensure you’re not consuming more calories than you realize for your current weight. Some studies have shown that people often believe they are eating a lot fewer calories than they actually do (1)

You can use one of the several apps available to keep track of your calorie intake. You may use this calculator to find out how many calories you need as per your current weight.

2. Macro-nutrient distribution

Carbs vs Protein

If your weight loss has hit a standstill here is how to break the weight loss plateau by altering the macronutrient distribution – increasing protein and reducing carbs makes a difference. Protein digestion boosts metabolism(up to 30%) as well as makes you feel full and satisfied (2) While completely eliminating carbs or reducing them to a very low level may not be a sustainable solution and results in cravings, keeping the ratios in check for protein, carbs, and good fats is important.


Adding more fiber to the diet can help in improving digestive health and feel more satiated (especially soluble fiber).

3. Alter physical activity routine

It may be time to boost your physical activity by incorporating different types of exercises or increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts. Adding strength training exercises can help build muscle, which in turn increases your metabolic rate and promotes weight loss. If you are already on strength training exercises it may be time to add some weights progressively.

4. Stay Hydrated

One of the reasons you may have hit a plateau could be that with increased exercise levels, your body may be needing more water and fluids. If the water intake is not increased, the body may start retaining fluids, which is counterproductive to weight loss. Drink adequate water to promote healthy weight loss and alleviate fluid retention.

You can also add other beverages like green tea which hydrate as well as help with fat burn due to their anti-oxidant properties.

5. Sleep

beauty sleep

The interesting thing about sleep is that sleeping too many results in an inactive lifestyle and hampers weight loss, and sleeping less also hampers weight loss!

Studies have found that a chronic pattern of sleeping less than 6 hrs. a night has a causal relationship with higher BMI (3) This is mainly because less than required sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to an increase in appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods, amongst other health issues. 7-9 hours of quality sleep is required for adults between 18-60 years to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Check out some tips to improve your sleep quality here.

6. Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is known to be helpful in increasing metabolic rates and absorbing nutrition from the food in a better way. It has gained massive popularity for benefits that extend beyond just weight loss. However, sticking to weight loss, several studies have found that intermittent fasting can lead to up to 8% weight loss (4)

7. Plan your meals

When it comes to protein and fiber, aside from meeting the RDA, another important strategy that is found helpful is to distribute them in a way that you are having a portion in each meal.

Adding a portion of vegetables with each meal also helps in adding fiber in a low-calorie way.

8. Stress management

Stress is another likely culprit of a weight loss plateau. Even if you maintain healthy eating and stay away from ‘stress eating’, stress triggers a hormone (cortisol) that signals the body to retain fat just as part of the survival mechanism.

So how to break the weight loss plateau when you are under stress? Even though it may seem that occurrence of stress in your life is not in your control, there are some effective ways to manage stress. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga nidra. Join support groups and seek professional help when required.

9. Eat raw

eat raw

Try to eat 1 meal a day which comprises raw fruits and vegetables. Raw fruits and vegetables complete gastric emptying within 1-2 hours as compared to grains which take 3-4 hours and processed meat which takes 5-6 hrs. In addition, raw fruits and vegetables are low in calories and have higher water content, and the fiber in raw fruits and vegetables helps improve digestive health.

10. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories

Don’t solely rely on the scale for progress. Pay attention to other markers of success, such as improved energy levels, clothing fitting better, or increased strength and endurance during workouts. Recognizing these non-scale victories can help you stay motivated.


Patience is key to a successful weight loss journey, as your body and mind adjust. Realize that a weight loss plateau is just a break and take a moment to appreciate how far along you have come, only then think about how to break the weight loss plateau. Try these strategies that are backed by research and studies and continue on your journey.

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