Fashion industry is responsible for 4-10% of global greenhouse emissions and is one of the larger contributors to environmental damage and deforestation.

As consumers, our small steps can help accelerate the way fashion companies think and turn the tide in earth's favor. Here is what you can do:

Ask yourself do you really need it? Will you use it at least 30 times ? Can you give it a second life?  Invest in high quality garments.

Buy Less Buy Better

Look for brands that have committed to scientific sustainability targets and have transparent supply chains. Certifications are a great way to find these.

Look for Sustainable brands

Repair and upcycle. Buy pre-loved and vintage. Try renting. When clearing out consider donating or organize a clothes exchange.

Re-Use & Re-Cycle

Go for natural fibers. Even amongst natural fibers some are better like organic cotton uses much less water and pesticides than regular cotton

Material Counts

Take care of your clothes to ensure they get their max. life possible. Do not overwash them and follow the care instructions.

Wear them longer !

Get to know about the garment workers who make your fashion, and ensure they are being paid a fair wage.

Who made my fashion?

Do your due diligence and check facts beyond tags like ‘Sustainable’ , ‘Responsible’, ‘Eco-friendly’.

Who made my fashion?

Last but never the least ‘Spread the word’, & give the necessary fuel to the movement. To know more on how to extend sustainability to beauty, Swipe Up.