Your feet take you everywhere! They deserve every chance to gift them a luxurious professional-like spa at home. Here is how you can:

Fill a tub or basin with warm water. You can add essential oils like lavender or peppermint, or milk powder + rose petals for soothing and softening.

1. Soak your feet

Soaking for 10-15 minutes loosens the dead cells. Follow with exfoliation, using an exfoliating cream.

2. Exfoliate

This may not always be required, it is an optional step to freshen the look of your feet.

3. Trim and File nails

Use a foot file to gently remove dead skin and minor calluses or corns. Don't overdo, as it may cause discomfort or injury.

4. File dead skin

Now is a good time for a cracked heel balm or wax treatment for skin softening, or any other treatment for specific problems.

5. Treatment

Apply a moisturizer or foot cream and massage it into your skin. You can use your hands or a foot massager for the massage.

6.Massage and Moisturize

Put your feet up and relax with a good book or soothing music. Your feet and you totally deserve the pampering.

7. Feet Up time

Aside from the relaxing enjoyable experience, regular home foot spa, 1-2 times a month, can help keep the skin healthy and avoid entry of fungus and bacteria. 

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